Contact Info
I graduated with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Fordham University in 1989. My doctoral dissertation examined relationships among empathy, personality, and gender. As part of my doctoral training, I completed a dual child and adult internship program at New York Hospital – Cornell Medical Center (Westchester Division). Here I had the privilege to practice psychotherapy under close supervision of a distinguished faculty, learning psychodynamic psychotherapy with individuals and groups. I stayed on at New York Hospital and completed a fellowship in the treatment of personality disorders and schizophrenia.

I returned to Fordham University and worked for a time at the University Counseling Center as Assistant Director. There I provided psychotherapy to undergraduate and graduate students and supervised clinical psychology trainees. Subsequently I worked for several years in a New York State sponsored program for troubled adolescents, expanding the age range of my clinical experience –children, adolescents, young adults, adults, and older adults. During this time I began to incorporate mindfulness and specific skills development into my practice.

Now I am devoted to full time independent psychotherapy practice. My work is psychodynamically based and integrates interpersonal, relational, and object relations points of view; over time I have added cognitive-behavioral, self psychology, attachment theory, and existential aspects to my practice. I see people from sixteen to over eighty.